California Department of Education Emergency Services Team Disaster Programs for Schools

The CDE Emergency Services Team recently created a list of resources available to schools in need of recovery grants. Click here to access the document.

The document highlights:

  1. Public Assistance Grant (PA)
    1. What is this grant for?
      1. Restoring public facilities back to their pre-disaster condition and implementing mitigation measures to reduce the risk of damage for future similar incidents. 
    2. How is the application submitted?
      1. Register on Grants Portal
  2. California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA)
    1. What is this grant for?
      1. Restoring public facilities back to their pre-disaster condition. 
    2. How is the application submitted?
      1. Complete form Cal OES 126 and submit to CAL OES Recovery at 
  3. School Emergency Response to Violence (SERV)
    1. What is this grant for?
      1. Restoring the learning environment and managing problems related to safety and security. 
    2. How is the application submitted?
      1. Contact the DRU through Lindsay Booth at  
      2. Have an introductory call with DRU 
      3. Submit application provided by the DRU 
  4. Individual Assistance (IA)
    1. What is this grant for?
      1. While not technically a grant, it is a state program that coordinates assistance from other partners to impacted communities including: 
        1. Equal housing protection
          1. Medi-Cal Insurance Program 
          2. Tax assistance 
          3. Record replacement assistance 
          4. Veterans assistance 
          5. Emergency assistance (Red Cross, Salvation Army) 
          6. Employment assistance 
          7. Food assistance (CalFresh) 
          8. Welfare assistance (Cal Works) 
          9. Crisis Counseling 
          10. Insurance and rebuilding
    2. How is the application submitted?
      1. Contact Cal OES through
  1. Hazard Mitigation (HMGP)
    1. What is the grant for?
      1. Measures to reduce loss of life and property from future disasters including, but not limited to: 
        1. Hazardous fuels reduction 
        2. Hazardous fuels reduction
        3. Creating defensible space 
        4. Flood risk reduction
        5. Seismic risk reduction
        6. Post-fire mitigation
        7. Critical facility generators
        8. Development of local hazard mitigation plans
        9. $150,000 for single district plans
        10. $250,000 for multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plans 
    2. How is the application submitted?
      1. Submit Notice of Interest under HMA portal 
      2. If selected, submit a project application 
      3. For mitigation projects, applicants must have the following to apply: 
        1. Hazard Mitigation Plan 
        2. Benefit Cost Analysis 

Quick Guides, Applications, and Fact Sheets

  1.  Public Assistance Applicant Template
  2. Public Assistance Applicant Quick Guide
  3. CDAA Application
  4. SERV Quick Guide
  5. Individual Assistance Brochure
  6. Hazard Mitigation Fact Sheet
  7. Hazard Mitigation Notice of Interest (NOI) User Guide

For more information contact: 

Joe Anderson, CDE Emergency Services Team Lead